This is not our COMP!

The draft 2024-2028 Contract of Objectives, Means and Performance (COMP) promises major changes for Inria, both in terms of its missions and the way it operates. These upheavals are incompatible with world-class research. They will be formalised by changes to the Institute's missions, organisation and operations in its founding decree (section 5.11 page 58). These changes, whose nature and impact on staff are not specified, have not been the subject of any consultation, even though they are planned for 2025.

The accumulation of new missions and the priority given to them, particularly those related to the programme agency or oriented towards defence applications, relegate the research carried out at Inria to a subordinate role. Most of the constraints introduced by this COMP tend to reduce the autonomy and independence of scientists and teams in choosing their research topics and collaborations: placement of the whole of Inria in a "ZRR", restriction of international and industrial collaborations to partners chosen by the Institute's management, individual financial incentives for researchers involved in strategic partnerships, steering of topics by the programme agency, priority given to ‘dual’ research with both military and civilian applications, materialised by close and reinforced links with the Ministry of Defense... These constraints run counter to global research standards and give rise to fears of a loss of scientific quality and attractiveness for the Institute. Finally, at a time when the Institute is facing increasingly obvious financial difficulties, the COMP is putting it on a very uncertain financial trajectory with an uncertain outcome.

We, scientists from Inria's project-teams, members of the support services or committees of the Institute, signatories of this petition, do not recognise ourselves in these goals. We deplore the fact that staff were not involved in drawing them up, even though this was one of the requirements of the HCÉRES following its recent evaluation of Inria. As a result, we ask that the implementation of these measures be postponed and that a collective reflection be put in place in order to draw up a project that does not jeopardise the quality of the research carried out at the institute, or even the future of Inria as a research institute. In the current economic climate and in the face of global climate threats, we believe that research, particularly in computer science and mathematics, is a major challenge and must be a priority for the coming years.


A draft version of the COMP was presented to the Board of Directors on October 17, then sent to staff. The COMP is due to be voted on by Inria's Board of Directors at the December 12 meeting.

Several committees have expressed their opposition to the COMP:

The CEP of the Inria Paris Centre
Le CEP de Paris ne se reconnaît pas dans le COMP qui présente plusieurs problèmes majeurs. Il considère ne pas avoir été consulté au cours de son élaboration, et est en désaccord avec de nombreux points.
The CEP of the Inria Lyon Centre
Le CEP de LYON s’associe à la motion votée par le CEP de Paris et s’inquiète notamment du changement de décret d’Inria, du lien systématique de dualité avec le ministère des armées et du passage en ZRR intégrale.
The CEP of the Inria centre at the University Grenoble Alpes
Le CEP du centre Inria de l'Université Grenoble Alpes se joint à la motion adoptée par le CEP de Paris pour exprimer qu'il ne se reconnaît pas dans le COMP qui présente plusieurs problèmes majeurs. Le CEP considère ne pas avoir été consulté au cours de son élaboration, et est en désaccord avec de nombreux points.
The CEP of the Inria Saclay Centre
Le CEP de Saclay a pris connaissance du document du COMP partagé par Bruno Sportisse le 17 octobre. De nombreuses discussions ont suivi pour éclairer la compréhension de ce texte complexe et débattre de ses évolutions. Un certain nombre d'entre elles ont été accueillies favorablement ou ont ouvert des débats non conclusifs. Le présent texte n'a pas la prétention de donner un avis global sur le COMP, mais il soulève deux points qui ont été présentés comme « non négociables » par la direction de l'institut, alors qu'ils représentent des changements profonds dans les conditions d'exercice de la recherche. Auparavant, le CEP déplore que la phase de concertation, c'est-à-dire l'échange sur les principes du COMP 2024-2028, n'ait pas eu lieu : d'emblée, un texte finalisé a été proposé, dont les idées principales ne sont pas ouvertes à la discussion. Pour conclure, les chercheurs du centre Inria de Saclay demandent que la modification à venir du décret fondateur de l'institut fasse l'objet d'une véritable concertation.
Inria's Scientific Board
During the discussions within the SB regarding the COMP, the elected CS members have shared with the rest of the SB the enclosed list of issues regarding the COMP. The SB is concerned about the impact that these issues raised by the elected members could have on Inria's capacity to remain a world-class research institution, and would like to suggest that these points be reconsidered before finalizing the COMP document.
Text unanimously approved by all elected CS members:
We wish to point out four troublesome points regarding the COMP:
  • There are very few references to science or research in the milestones (7 out of 105) and the document in general. The words "scientific freedom" and "creativity" are absent. An ambitious strategy that encourages long-term, innovative, and creative research must be defined by providing stable,long-term funding and a research environment built on the principles of academic and intellectual freedom.
  • The transition to full restricted research area (ZRR) status (p. 49) and the idea of the Ministry of the Army becoming a supervisory body ("tutelle") for Inria (though not explicitly stated, but it seems to be the goal) raise serious concerns. These changes will have a very negative effect on scientific freedom, the attractiveness of the Institute, and the image that Inria gives to the outside world.
  • The positioning that “Inria's main mission is to contribute to the Nation's digital sovereignty through research and innovation.” (p. 4) is quite problematic. We believe the mission described in the creation decree of Inria is still highly appropriate: “The mission of this establishment, in the field of computer science and automation, is to undertake or commission fundamental or applied research."
  • The goal of “concentrating actions on a limited number of strategic partners” (p. 33) is potentially dangerous. It may result in discouraging “bottom-up” international scientific exchanges and collaborations between research teams, which are the most productive way to establish international collaboration (rather than large, administration-heavy "strategic partnerships"). Generally speaking, limiting strategic partnerships this way is not a very good idea (why DFKI in Germany and not also Max Planck?). This choice is questionable, and there are similar issues for most other countries.
Inria's Evaluation Committee
Les membres de la CE ont pris connaissance du projet de COMP présenté par la DG et déplorent que la phase de consultation et d'échange, pourtant mise en avant dans le document, n'ait pas eu lieu.
The CEP of Inria Centre at Université de Lorraine
Le CEP de Nancy s’associe à la motion votée par le CEP de Paris et ne se reconnaît pas dans le COMP qui présente plusieurs problèmes majeurs. Il considère que les discussions pendant son élaboration n'ont pas porté sur les points essentiels avec lesquels il est en désaccord.
The CEP of Inria Centre at Université Côte d’Azur
Le CEP du centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur s'associe aux motions votées par les CEP des centres Inria de Grenoble, Lyon, Nancy, Paris, Saclay, ainsi que par les élus au Conseil Scientifique et par la Commission d'Évaluation, pour exprimer qu'il ne se reconnaît pas dans le COMP et considère n'avoir été que marginalement associé à son élaboration. Le CEP s’inquiète de plusieurs points, notamment sur le passage en ZRR intégrale, le risque de perte d’autonomie des scientifiques dans le choix collégial de leurs sujets de recherche et collaborations, le changement structurel de la mission et du budget de l’institut et le lien très affirmé de dualité avec le ministère des armées.


Sign the petition

To sign the petition, go to the evento platform.

This petition is open to scientists working in INRIA project-teams, members of the support services or committees of the Institute, permanent or non-permanent, paid by the Institute or not.

This generally corresponds to people with an Inria account. If possible, we ask you to sign the petition while logged into the evento site from this account, to facilitate identification of signatories. You can check this by going to "my profile" on the evento site and checking that your e-mail address ends with If this is not the case, you can open a private browser window and reconnect to evento, choosing Inria as your organization. If you have trouble logging into your Inria account, you can still sign the petition under another institution's account.

The list of signatories will be published below in random order, and updated at more or less regular intervals. When the petition closes, it will be published in an SNCS statement, and then forwarded to Inria's management, and to some of its supervisory bodies.

Detailed instructions

  1. Open the evento form
  2. Check the spelling of your name in "my profile".
  3. Answer the questions in the form:
    I sign the petition
    • Yes
    (If the spelling of your name in "my profile" is wrong, add the correct spelling as a comment.)
    [first question]
    I am a member of
    • A project-team
    • Support services
    • Other
    [second question]
    Status: I have
    • A permanent contract
    • A temporary contract
    [third question]
    My employer is
    • Inria
    • Another institution
    [fourth question]
  4. Accept the terms of use and validate the answers!


You can contact us by e-mail:

The first 844 signatories

Romain Pacanowski
Damien Lesens
Gael Varoquaux
Erwan Normand
Clement Moulin-Frier
Aurelien Bellet
Fanny Dufosse
Robert De Simone
Benjamin Bourel
Pierre-Yves Longaretti
Erwan Faou
Frederic Vivien
Arnaud Legrand
Remy Raes
Arij Riabi
Valentin Guerbette
Antoine Jego
Nikolaos Georgantas
Nicolas Louvet
Emmanuelle Saillard
Renaud Vilmart
Olivier Faugeras
Marc Fuentes
Nastassia Pouradier Duteil
Batiste Le Bars
Gabrielle Le Bellier
Noe Robert
Ibrahim Cheddadi
Michael Thomazo
Noe Lahaye
Muriel De Bianchi
Evelyne Akopyan
Hugo Reymond
Sylvain Soliman
Guilhem Castagnos
Francis Colas
Christine Fricker
Dimitri Lereverend
Florian Angeletti
Thierry Martinez
Alice Pellet Mary
Emmanuel Agullo
Francois Bailly
Marie-Cécile Lafont
Antonin Chambolle
Laurent Monasse
Franck Pérignon
Emilio Rui
Gregoire Malandain
Khalil Ghorbal
Romeo La Spina
Aurel Page
Nelson De Moura Martins Gomes
Marianne Akian
Philippe Preux
Philippe Campagne Ibarcq
Nicolas Crouseilles
Vanessa Pena Araya
Judith Abécassis
Paul Breugnot
Angelique Saillet
Julien Vandaele
Nicolas Seguin
Louis Gaillard
Marcus Denker
Emile Parolin
Marc-Olivier Renou
Vincent Loechner
Vincent Perrier
Thomas Jensen
Bruno Blanchet
Jean-David Benamou
Victor Michel-Dansac
Eric Rutten
Maurice Bremond
Ludovic Courtes
Antoine Rousseau
Jules Yvon
Joseph Frederic Bonnans
Erven Rohou
Christophe Botella
Paul Zimmermann
Jacques-Henri Jourdan
Guillaume Huard
Emmanuel Thomé
Virgile Guemard
Gangsoo Zeong
Sandrine Boute
Léo Valque
Luca Froger
Philippe Ciuciu
Guillaume Boisseau
Daniel Augot
Catherine Dubois
Quentin Giton
Rachel Bawden
Pierre Maillot
Monique Teillaud
Sebastien Duval
Damien Olivier Robert
Luca Alasio
François Charoy
Pierre Maurel
Joseph Salmon
Pierre Letouzey
Malo Revel
Dale Miller
Gabriel Radanne
Fadi El Dabaghi
Christina Katsamaki
Marius Le Chapelier
David Parsons
Marguerite Bin
Gabriel Scherer
Lucas Chesnel
William Aboucaya
Pierre-Alexandre Mattei
Pierre-Antoine Comby
Bruno Costa Alves Freire
Simon Benaichouche
Nathalie Robin
Aymeric Fromherz
Mathieu Hemery
Morgane Garreau
Pascal Fradet
Pascale Charpin
Remi Dufloer
Stanislaw Borkowski
Umit Bora Gokbakan
Andre Seznec
Emilio Jesus Gallego Arias
Mathieu Nancel
Cyril Furtlehner
Phong Nguyen
Nathalie Bertrand
Gabriel Darbord
Julia Lawall
Helene Leman
Alexandre Debant
Jules Timmerman
Tommaso Belvedere
Remi Robin
Laura Luzzi
Alessandro De Palma
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
Antonin Berthe
Claude-Pierre Jeannerod
Florent Corniquel
Clair Poignard
Francois Trahay
Karen Fort
Alexis Scheuer
Florestan De Moor
Ilaria Castellani
Gerard Huet
Delphine Demange
Maria Naya Plasencia
Paul Pegon
Pierre-Louis Collot
Tove Grimstad Bang
Joachim Cendrier
Julien Diaz
Kun Zhang
Maryna Kachanovska
Sylvie Boldo
Jean Daniel Fekete
Emma Nardino
Marc Schoenauer
Jean-Marc Vincent
Claire Cury
Dylan Chome
Nicolas Brisebarre
Caterina Urban
Fabrice Neyret
Herve Guillard
Leon Raphalen
Frederic Precioso
Helene Henon
Serge Fenet
Xavier Chermain
Andreas Enge
Juliette Leblond
Alessia Rigonat
Valentin Richard
Christine Leininger
Simon Lemaire
Ziad Kobeissi
Fabrice Rouillier
Nicolas Tabareau
Alexandre Guillemot
Pierre Jean Spaenlehauer
Octave Mestoudjian
Justine Cassell
Stephane Gaubert
Cyril Cohen
Amine Boumaza
Yanzhu Guo
Benjamin Smith
Nathalie Furmento
Helene Le Cadre
Xavier Goaoc
Vicente Estopier Castillo
Guillaume Ferriere
Nicolas Sendrier
Sylvain Lazard
Sebastien Bonduelle
Aymeric Ferron
Marie Duflot-Kremer
Michael Leguebe
Samuel Blanquart
Bruno Guillaume
Algiane Froehly
Chiara Daini
Federico Pierucci
Olivier Saut
Maarten Grothus
Paul Boniol
Maxime Herda
Guillaume Moroz
Luis Munecas Tomas
Clément Cancès
Jean Ponce
Matthieu Nicolas
Ludovic Sacchelli
Jean Franco
Davide Sangiorgi
Brice Minaud
Julien Noel
Florian Lemarie
Sinem Demirkan
Abderrahman Iggidr
Véronique Cortier
Alec Sadler
Victor Gambier
Simon Legrand
Sylvain Salvati
Armael Gueneau
Elie Raspaud
Francesco Arzani
Lucca Hirschi
Chloe Clavel
Yannick Zakowski
Camille Maumet
Mikaela Keller
Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas
Jiong Chen
Cecilia Graiff
Guilhem Jazeron
Antoine Deleforge
Mikael Monet
Arsene Marzorati
Sara Faour
Xavier Leroy
Dominik Kirst
Martin Quinson
Thomas Maugey
Alin Bostan
Raoul de Charette
Guillaume Munch
Vilasini Venkatesh
Mathieu Carriere
Regis Duvigneau
Christophe Godin
André De Laire
Nicolas Bailluet
Lucien Richard
Hervé Marchand
Joseph Paturel
Emmanuel Prados
Thibaut Coudroy
Denis Efimov
Houssem Haddar
Djame Seddah
Jeremie Klein
Jean-Yves Courtonne
Erwan Kerrien
Raphael Monat
Arnaud Hubert
Philippe de Groote
Joachim Rosseel
Axel Modave
Marie-Anne Dauphin-Rizzi
Maxime Amblard-Virollaud
Romaric Gaudel
Matthieu Sozeau
Charlie Jacomme
Alain Delaet-Tixeuil
Peio Borthelle
Matthieu Moy
Nicolas Rougier
Laurent Pfeiffer
Sebastien Thomas
Molly Kaplan
Alain Sarlette
Anne Auger
Quentin Rapilly
Herve Delingette
Christophe Vuillot
Adrien Koutsos
Olivier Rossel
Jing-Rebecca Li-Schlittgen
Jérôme Euzenat
Chantal Keller
Ezra Rozier
Thierry Goudon
Jean-Pierre Talpin
Marc Lelarge
Gwenael Delaval
Cyril Ferlicot-Delbecque
Alexandre Le
Amandine Decker
Pierre Lairez
Pierre Clouzet
Arnaud Golfouse
Anthony Leverrier
Andrea Thomann
Philippe Swartvagher
Francesco Songia
Anne Benoit
Charles Meyer-Hilfiger
Assia Mahboubi
Tanguy Lefort
Emmanuel Pietriga
Jean-Jacques Levy
Julien Castelneau
Yves Robert
Francis Kulumba
Mathilde Gaillard
Benjamin Grégoire
Benjamin Marteau
Laurent Dupont
Olivier Devillers
Pierre-Guillaume Raverdy
Mazyar Mirrahimi
Augustin Ernoult
Martin Avanzini
Galaad Langlois
Francois Tessier
Guillaume Delplanque
Yann Leray
Francois Coste
Guillaume Baudart
Alexandre Ern
Jean-Pierre Tillich
Guillaume Melquiond
Aline Roumy
Marcello Traiola
Jonathan Jung
Rémi Leclercq
Catuscia Palamidessi
Philippe Aoustin
Frederique Noel
Nathan Godey
Eliane Becache
Guillaume Delay
Peter Sturm
Mischa Woods
Sandrine Follope
Zhenyu Wu
Laetitia Ecrement
Hugo Thievenaz
Marc Glisse
Sonia Fliss
Angela Riva
Guillaume Meroue
Valentin Bourcier
Micaela Mayero
Marc Bonnet
Roland Faure
Sylvie Méléard
Vincent Lefevre
Antoine Mesnard
Maxence Guesdon
Xavier Hinaut
Jacques Nicolas
Marie-Laure Mugnier
Olivier Ali
Shadi Ibrahim
Tobias Schnirer
Mathieu Besancon
Thibaut Metivet
Alejandro Diaz Caro
Vincent Martin
Thierry Turletti
Florian Vincent
Pierre-Marie Pedrot
Leo Ackermann
Julien Pansiot
Fabien Vergnet
Pierre Senellart
Jean-Baptiste Caillau
Jean Basset
Kevin Bleakley
Bruno Cessac
Matthieu Py
Sarah Wajsbrot
Vincent Rouvreau
Pascal Molin
Pierre Goutagny
Simon Castellan
Gaetan Staquet
Mireille Bossy
Ulrich Fahrenberg
Florent Jacquemard
Helene Coullon
Gustavo Souza Banegas
Tony Wolff
Frederic Chyzak
Euisun Yoon
Etienne Boursier
Bernard Mourrain
Odile Pourtallier
Philippe Merle
Caroline Appert
Léo Perrin
Arthur Chargueraud
Fabienne Cuyollaa
Celine Grandmont
Sarah Al Humaikani
Benoit Montagu
Sandrine Blazy
Luca Nenna
Thomas Genet
Samuel Bounan
Paolo Robuffo Giordano
Luc Maranget
Yves Coudiere
Mathieu Faverge
Michel Kern
Simon Meoni
Ugo Boscain
Olivier Buffet
Celine Serrano
Albert D'Aviau de Piolant
Blazy Olivier
Frederic Besson
Antitza Dantcheva
Geoffrey Beck
Raoul Sallé De Chou
Vincent Laporte
Alexandre Sanchez
Maxime Bombar
Olivier Boulle
Kenji Maillard
Cole Comfort
Paola Goatin
Frederic Mazenc
Thibault Tricard
Hritika Kathuria
Marie Cousin
Amelie Aussel
Romain Azais
Franck Bourrier
Martin Vohralik
Luca Cirrottola
Ghislain Vaillant
Gabriel Graffagnino
Albert Bouffange
Thomas Gallouet
Stephan Merz
Ulysse Herbach
Oana Goga
Samuel Thibault
Marie Doumic-Jauffret
Anne Etien
Marie-France Sagot
Marcella Bonazzoli
Marc Pouzet
Irene Waldspurger
Lisl Weynans
Bruno Scherrer
Loris Marchal
Timothee Raynaud
Sophie Wahnich
Kevin Schmidmayer
Gilles Tissot
Guillemette Blachot
Maxime Sylvestre
Florian Moser
Francois Bonnetblanc
Xavier Rival
Francois Chaumette
Alexandre Abadie
Pablo Tesone
Christophe Alias
Esragul Korkmaz
Samir Medina Perlaza
Louis Hauseux
Gaelle Tworkowski
Nicolas Papadakis
Filip Maksimovic
Wissam Antoun
Thierry Jeron
Mario Sigalotti
Sebastien Benzekry
Florent Mazelet
Carole Brossard
Liliana Cucu
Jerome Kowalski
Virginie Lallemand
Felix Miranda Villatoro
Sam Bigeard
Vincent Acary
Marc Pegon
Adrien Obrecht
Guillaume Carlier
Luc Segoufin
Christian Duriez
Ivan Beschastnyi
Tudor-Alexandru Petrescu
Anne Canteaut
Gaëtan Leurent
Madalena Chaves
Mounir Messaoudi
Daniel Balouek
Xavier Pennec
Xavier Allamigeon
Didier Rémy
Eric Fabre
Isseinie Sinouvassane
Léo Chedin
Panayotis Mertikopoulos
Elisha Falbel
Nicolas Gast
Pierre-Alexandre Bliman
Quentin Aristote
Romain Vergne
Andre Chailloux
Mathijs Wintraecken
Malik Marmonier
Arnaud Prouzeau
Benjamin Farinier
Jade Garcia Bourree
Leon Carde
Martin Bodin
Florence Marcotte
Paul Roger-Dauvergne
Mathieu Bacou
Theophanis Tsandilas
Evelyne Hubert
Jean-Baptiste Pomet
Sergiu Mocanu
Thomas Rokicki
Lucas Amadeus Tendick
Tamara Rezk
Joelle Thollot
Vincent Danjean
Théo Papadopoulo
Oriane Nédey
Rian Touchent
Luc Bouganim
Jean-Pierre Merlet
Hadrien Brochet
Baptiste Jonglez
Francois Pottier
Laetitia Giraldi
Alessandro Duca
Amina Guermouche
Damien Doligez
Dorian Perrot
Mathias Malandain
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat
Andreas Athanasiou
Jean-Loup Hatchikian-Houdot
Pietro Marco Congedo
Etienne Tanre
Etienne Memin
Simon Bliudze
Pascal Barla
Laurent Baratchart
Frederic Cazals
Romain Primet
Fredrik Johansson
Sebastien Imperiale
Leo Gayral
Marc De Visme
Alain Dutech
Sayeh Khaniha
Victorien Desbois
Rasul Jasir Dent
Romain Zakrajsek
Yoann Prak
Jean Feydy
Iliana Fayolle
Laurent Viennot
Oana-Denisa Balalau
Paul Magron
Alastair Abbott
Marine Minier
Kylian Desier
Alexis Saurin
Nicolas Perrin
Bruno Fruchard
Xavier Bonnetain
Roger Pissard-Gibollet
Elias Ventre
Jean-Baptiste Durand
Matheo Moinet
Hugo Herbelin
Noam Zeilberger
Vincent Tourneur
Ruben Taieb
Sophie Quinton
Xabier Legaspi Juanatey
Omar Fawzi
Nina Otter
Paul-André Mellies
Emre Baspinar
Alan Schmitt
Maxime Just
Camille Bourgaux
Ioana Manolescu
Benoit Valiron
Xiaohan Peng
Nathalie Revol
Thomas Pietrzak
Diego Marcos Gonzalez
Alexis Joly
Simon Rokicki
Dmitry Ponomarev
Pierre Jacquot
Sylvain Chevillard
Martine Olivi
Arthur Luciani
Hadrien Hendrikx
Pierrick Gaudry
Thomas Debris
Fawzi Nashashibi
Thierry Fraichard
Marie Le Roïc
Marie-Odile Berger
Andrea Natale
Hugo Malamut
Yves Guiraud
Flavien Leger
Alain Couvreur
Blanche Buet
Alexandre Drewery
Nataliia Bielova
Francois Clement
Tom Hubrecht
Paul Mefflet
Elias Tsigaridas
Christine Azevedo Coste
Élise Jeanneau
Éric de la Clergerie
Christele Etchegaray
Alban Quadrat
Olivier Deloubriere
Anne-Sophie Bonnet-Ben Dhia
Étienne Arlaud
Émile Royer
Manuel Serrano
Ulysse Chabaud
Jean-Michel Muller
Christophe Braillon
Beniamino Accattoli
Sophie Lemonnier
Christos Georgiadis
Fabien Campillo
Adrien Laurent
Francois Gindraud
Charles Paperman
Guillaume Mandil
Guilherme Mazanti
Jingyi Li
Marc Pouget
Mathieu Desroches
Vincent Thomas
Thomas Lepoutre
Clemence Frioux
Patrick Rives
Samo Novák
Nicolas Barral
Selim Chefchaouni Moussaoui
Claude Marche
Olivier Goury
Pierre Schegg
Vladimir Zamdzhiev
Elif Koksal
Pacome Luton
Guillaume Pallez
Martin Baillon
Alexandre Vieira
David Dos Santos Ferreira
Theo Jolivel
Thomas Michel
Vincent Despre
Frederic Chazal
Baptiste Couvy-Duchesne
Steve Kremer
Emilie Kaufmann
Edoardo Lauria
Paul Andrey
Karim Ramdani
Jane Desplanques
Emmanuel Arrighi
Quentin Desvaux
Jean-Paul Marmorat
Titouan Carette
Philippe Dumas
Bruno Salvy
Hugo Paquet
Frederic Grognard
Solal Perrin-Roussel
Thomas Ehrhard
Andrea Joly
Romain Alléaume
Soraya Arias
Anne Mathurin
Frederic Havet
Carlos Pinzon Henao
Jean-Marie Madiot
Emmanuel Franck
Ivan Lopes
Gael Guennebaud
Benjamin Billot
François Baccelli
Anh Quan Cao
Quentin Peyron
Corinne Touati
Pierre Saintigny
Ronan Le Guillou
Theau Blanchard
Jan Kochanowski
Gregoire Mugnier
Sabrina Otmani
Paul-Pierre Rax
Gilles Villard
Razvan Barbaud
Lucas Roquet
Laercio Lima Pilla
Rémi Manceau
Olivier Gladin
Anastase Charantonis
Anne-Cecile Orgerie
Luiz Maltez Faria
Dominique Chapelle
Geraldine Pichot
Konstantin Avrachenkov
Aurore Guillevic
Steve Oudot
Clemence Bouvier
Quentin Vermande
Sebastien Gilles
Mathilde Boissier
Martin Parisot
Enzo Baquet
Vincent Botbol
Guilhem Jaber
Philippe Moireau
Anastasiia Bakhmach
Théo Alkibiades Collias
Matthieu Rodet
Islem Kobbi
Thibault Clerice
Albin Petit
Steven Costiou
Remi Imbach
Louis Gesbert
Fabien Lotte
Sorin Stratulat
Michèle Martine Sebag
Diane Peurichard
Carl Graham
Clement Allain
Paul-Gauthier Noe
Camille Lanuel
Luis Fernando Maldonado Saavedra
Stéphanie Chaillat
Thomas Badts
Pierre-Louis Curien
Jean-Luc Gouze
Jean-Claude Bajard
Matthieu Simonin
Marco Lorenzi
Irene Balelli
Frank Valencia
Antonin Reitz
Lamberto Dell Elce
Michael Rusinowitch
Mihail Popov
Jean-Marc Haby
Megane Millan
Elena Berardini
Augustin Vanrietvelde
Siegfried Dubois
Bastien Lietard
Bruno Gaujal
Elsa Gascon
Romain Fontaine
Pierre Marchand
Luan Teylo Gouveia Lima
Caroline Collange
Catherine Bonnet
Yannick Forster
Olivier Gandrillon
Gauthier Le Bartz Lyan
Camille Gobert
Laurent Buse
Sara Alouf
Virgile Andreani
Matias Bender
Felix Chavelli
Bernard Brogliato
Andrea Vaglio
Arnaud Legout
Andre Schrottenloher
Jules Sintes
Nicolas Maurice
Linh Nguyen Phuong
Christophe Demarey
Brice Goglin
Lionel Eyraud Dubois
Guy Fayolle
Theo Winterhalter
Takeo Takahashi
Clara Thomas
Esteban Lorenzano
Claire Alexandre
Christophe Hazard
Laure Giovangigli
Jerome Feret
Claire Lemaitre
Maroua Bahri
Ludovic David
Baptiste de Goër
Antoine Pouille
Benoit Sagot
Clément Poirson
Baptiste Faraud
Sylvain Pogodalla
Valentin Blot
Antonin Guilloux
Lutz Strassburger
Isadora Barbosa Lima Veeren
Matthis Gravier
Theophile Chaumont-Frelet
Laura Piovano
Julien Salomon
Virginie Mouilleron
Gilles Blanchard
Pablo Espana Gutierrez
Pierre Bénard